Fantasy General II
Cards: 3 / Worth: 5c
Normal Price
Last Card Price
The Winged Maiden
The Winged Maiden
Stock: 0
Worth: 5 Credits
Price: Not available
The Eagle Bear
The Eagle Bear
Stock: 0
Worth: 5 Credits
Price: Not available
The Centaur Archer
The Centaur Archer
Stock: 0
Worth: 5 Credits
Price: Not available
The Dire Wolf
The Dire Wolf
Stock: 1
Worth: 5 Credits
Price: 8 Credits
The Harpy Bomber
The Harpy Bomber
Stock: 1
Worth: 5 Credits
Price: 8 Credits
The Longbowman
The Longbowman
Stock: 0
Worth: 5 Credits
Price: Not available
The Transmuter
The Transmuter
Stock: 0
Worth: 5 Credits
Price: Not available
The Dragon
The Dragon
Stock: 0
Worth: 5 Credits
Price: Not available
The Skeleton
The Skeleton
Stock: 0
Worth: 5 Credits
Price: Not available
The Troll
The Troll
Stock: 1
Worth: 5 Credits
Price: 8 Credits
The Cleaver
The Cleaver
Stock: 0
Worth: 5 Credits
Price: Not available