Crusader Kings III
Cards: 2 / Worth: 7c
Normal Price
Last Card Price
The Feudal Contract
The Feudal Contract
Stock: 1
Worth: 7 Credits
Price: 11 Credits
Gone Hunting
Gone Hunting
Stock: 0
Worth: 7 Credits
Price: Not available
The Escutcheon
The Escutcheon
Stock: 0
Worth: 7 Credits
Price: Not available
The Journey
The Journey
Stock: 0
Worth: 7 Credits
Price: Not available
Keeping Council
Keeping Council
Stock: 0
Worth: 7 Credits
Price: Not available
The Prophet
The Prophet
Stock: 1
Worth: 7 Credits
Price: 11 Credits
The Revelation
The Revelation
Stock: 0
Worth: 7 Credits
Price: Not available
A Secret Kept
A Secret Kept
Stock: 0
Worth: 7 Credits
Price: Not available