A Legend of Luca
Cards: 18 / Worth: 11c
Normal Price
Last Card Price
Firmitas, the Glaive of Tenacity
Firmitas, the Glaive of Tenacity
Stock: 1
Worth: 11 Credits
Price: 17 Credits
Justitia, the Staff of Justice
Justitia, the Staff of Justice
Stock: 2
Worth: 11 Credits
Price: 11 Credits
Disciplina, the Bow of Discipline
Disciplina, the Bow of Discipline
Stock: 6
Worth: 11 Credits
Price: 11 Credits
Comitas, the Staff of Humor
Comitas, the Staff of Humor
Stock: 0
Worth: 11 Credits
Price: Not available
Virtus, the Sword of Valor
Virtus, the Sword of Valor
Stock: 0
Worth: 11 Credits
Price: Not available
Veritas, the Greatsword of Truth
Veritas, the Greatsword of Truth
Stock: 1
Worth: 11 Credits
Price: 17 Credits
Clementia, the Axe of Mercy
Clementia, the Axe of Mercy
Stock: 8
Worth: Overstocked
Price: 11 Credits